Filming of the 2nd season of the series “Wara”: A political thriller.

The Samba Diery Diallo National Gendarmerie Barracks served as the backdrop for the filming of the second season of the series “Wara,” developed by Charli Beleteau and Magagi Issoufou Sani, a Nigerian creator. This fiction, directed by the Franco-Senegalese Oumar Diack and the Franco-Gabonese Marco Tchicot, relies on accomplished Pan-African talents. Produced in Senegal in […]

3 great news about the WARA series

Après une première saison plébiscitée par la critique et les spectateurs d’Afrique et du monde entier, nombreux ont été ceux qui réclamaient la suite de la série Wara. Nous vous partageons 3 bonnes nouvelles à propos de la série Wara.   1 It’s a Wrap for Season 2 Season 2 episodes have been successfully completed […]