The Samba Diery Diallo National Gendarmerie Barracks served as the backdrop for the filming of the second season of the series “Wara,” developed by Charli Beleteau and Magagi Issoufou Sani, a Nigerian creator. This fiction, directed by the Franco-Senegalese Oumar Diack and the Franco-Gabonese Marco Tchicot, relies on accomplished Pan-African talents. Produced in Senegal in co-production with the production structure of the NGO Raes, this second season unfolds into a serialized adventure of six episodes, each lasting 45 minutes, recounting the chronicles of a society moving towards liberation from political oppression.
By Ousmane SOW – The filming of the Wara series, which means “wild animals” in Bambara, is underway. Filmed in Dakar (from November 2 to 9, 2022), this series, born from the collaboration between Charli Beleteau and Magagi Issoufou Sani, is a political thriller that traces the chronicles of a society moving towards liberation from political oppression. With the dual nationality of the directors, Wara aims to draw inspiration from this African reality while using codes and staging techniques that will convey a universal message, bridging different populations. In an atmosphere reminiscent of an election campaign, under the sun, with constant comings and goings, the technical team is at work. Both sets are in action. On each side, two directors with a complete team, two cameras, and actors moving from one team to another. The filming of the day takes place in the career of the Gendarmerie’s Mounted Squadron. It depicts a sequence around two candidates running for municipal elections. “We have about fifteen important roles and fifty supporting roles, with about a hundred extras,” says Charli Beleteau, one of the directors of this fiction that relies on accomplished Pan-African talents to explore the creative fabric in West Africa, as he explains in a document handed to the press.
According to Charli Beleteau, the Wara series was initially about creating a series about the younger generation demanding accountability from their elders. Through various events, the director adds, we discover a young woman with talent in politics and who excels in her studies in Law. “And we will witness the birth of this young woman in her political career, through municipal elections. As the story progresses, this young woman will have an ascending path and become the mayor of Tanasanga, this fictional city in sub-Saharan Africa,” recounts Charli Beleteau during the filming at the Samba Diery Diallo National Gendarmerie Barracks.
Le Quotidien – Senegal